10 Commonly Asked Teacher Interview Questions and Answers

10 Commonly Asked Teacher Interview Questions and Answers

In the modern competitive world of education, you need to be ahead of the people around you to ace any job interview. Your English-speaking skills must be good enough to impress others and your command on the subject should be unparalleled. The way you exhibit your confidence during the interview creates a strong impact on the school/college management. To help you succeed in this, we have compiled for you a list of teacher interview questions and answers tailored for almost every educational institution in India.  Read on to learn how to impress your potential employers and secure your dream teaching job.

10 Mostly Asked Teacher Interview Questions and Answers


  • Tell us about yourself?

(Begin with your educational background, teaching experience (if any), and why you’re passionate about teaching. Highlight any unique qualities or experiences that make you a suitable candidate.)

Answer: I’m a 24-year-old enthusiastic individual passionate about teaching. I have graduated in 2020 and recently completed my Bachelor’s degree in Education. During my college years, I have actively participated in various teaching programs and internships. I believe in creating a positive and engaging learning environment for students, where they can develop both academically and personally.

  • What is your teaching philosophy?

(Share your beliefs about education, learning, and the role of a teacher. Emphasize student-centred learning, fostering critical thinking, and creating a positive learning environment.)

Answer: My teaching philosophy advocates the idea of student-centred learning.
I believe that each student is special and learns in their own way. So, I always work to make my lessons fun and interactive to suit all kinds of learners. I think it’s very  important to help students think for themselves and explore new ideas.

  • How do you handle classroom discipline issues?

(Discuss your approach to maintaining discipline while respecting students’ individuality. Mention strategies like positive reinforcement, setting clear expectations, and open communication with students and parents.)

Answer: I think it’s important to set clear rules and expectations in the classroom right from the start. But I also know that every student is different. So, when there are behaviour issues, I try to handle such issues with empathy and understanding. I believe in appreciating good behaviour and giving constructive feedback to tackle unexpected problems.

  • How do you make your teaching dynamic to meet the needs of diverse (different) learners?

(Explain how you adapt your teaching methods to accommodate students with different learning styles, abilities, and backgrounds. Mention techniques such as group work, visual aids, and individualized instruction.)

Answer: I think it’s important to teach in a way that helps all students, no matter how they learn. I often check how my students learn best and formulate lesson plan according to that. This might mean using pictures, group activities, or teaching each student in a special way to make sure everyone can do well.

  • How do you incorporate technology into your teaching?

(Describe how you use technology to enhance student learning, such as interactive presentations, educational apps, and online resources. Highlight the importance of digital literacy in today’s world.)

Answer: I use various educational apps, online resources, and interactive presentations to enhance my teaching and engage my students. I believe that technology can help make learning more accessible and enjoyable for students.

  • How do you assess student learning?

(Discuss your use of formative and summative assessments to evaluate student progress. Mention methods like quizzes, projects, and discussions to gauge understanding.)

Answer: I use different ways to assess the level of my students’ understanding and progress. This may include quizzes, tests, projects, or class discussions. I believe that regular assessment is crucial for measuring their overall growth and development.

  • How do you collaborate with colleagues and parents?

(Explain your approach to teamwork and communication. Mention regular meetings with colleagues, parent-teacher conferences, and using technology for effective communication.)

Answer: I regularly communicate with my colleagues to share ideas and best teaching practices since we are all working towards common goals. I also believe in maintaining good communication with parents through regular meetings to keep them informed about their child’s progress and to address any concerns they may have.

  • How do you stay updated with the latest educational trends and practices?

(Share how you attend workshops, read educational journals, and participate in professional development activities. Highlight your commitment to lifelong learning and improving your teaching skills.)

Answer: I regularly attend workshops, seminars, and training programs to stay updated with the latest educational trends and practices. I also read educational journals and articles to stay updated in this field.

  • Can you give an example of a challenging situation you faced in teaching and how you resolved it?

(Share a specific example, such as managing a disruptive student or handling a difficult parent. Focus on your problem-solving skills, empathy, and ability to remain calm under pressure.)

Answer: Once, I had a group of students in my class who found a topic really hard. I tried lots of ways to teach it, but nothing worked. So, I talked to the student’s parents and we made a plan just for them. With lots of help and encouragement, the students finally understood and did much better.

  • Why do you want to work at our school?

(Research the school’s values, mission, and achievements. Tailor your answer to align with their ethos, mentioning specific programs or initiatives that resonate with you.)

Answer: I really like your school because it’s known for its excellent academics and for caring about students’ overall development. I think my love for teaching and making positive difference to the lives of students resonates with your school’s values. I’m excited about the chance to be part of your team.

Getting ready for a teacher interview can be scary, but if you stay positive and get ready, you can tackle all questions with superb answers. Show them how much you love teaching, how you’re focused on helping students do well, and how you’re always ready to learn and improve. Good luck with your interview!

Call to Action: We hope this article has been helpful in preparing you for your next teacher interview. If you find these tips useful, please leave a comment below and share your thoughts. We have also shared tips for cracking freshers’ interview for a company job. Don’t forget to explore our other articles for more valuable interview questions and tips.

2 thoughts on “10 Commonly Asked Teacher Interview Questions and Answers”

  1. Pingback: Grammar Interview Questions for English Teachers - English Fear

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