20 Common Interview Questions for BPO

Nowadays, getting through an interview in the BPO industry is not a simple job, because of the high competition in this world. The BPO jobs usually demand excellent communication skills, problem solving skills and a customer focused attitude. To make it easier for you, we have prepared a list of some frequently asked interview questions for BPO for which the answers are targeted.

Interview questions for BPO

Frequently Asked Interview Questions for BPO


1. First, tell us a little about yourself?

Answer: (Keep your answer brief, highlighting your relevant passion, skills and enthusiasm for customer support. )

I have over five years of experience in customer service where I have honed my conversation and problem solving skills. I am passionate about delivering a great experience to customers.

2. What is your knowledge about our company?

Answer: (Conduct the research of the company beforehand and get to know about their services, clients and values.)

I am aware that your company is a big BPO company, with a concentration on delivering the best solutions to clients in different industries.

3. How do you handle angry clients?

Answer: (Show empathy and persistence. Explain how you would listen to the customer’s concerns, apologize for any inconvenience, and work in the direction of finding a quality solution.)

I would actively focus on understanding their concerns. I know that if a customer is not happy with the product or service, the fault lies somewhere at our end. So I would apologize for the inconvenience, and work with them to find a solution.

4. How do you prioritize responsibilities in a fast-paced environment?

Answer: (Describe your method of prioritizing duties,, evaluating deadlines, and dealing with urgent tasks.

I prioritize duties by creating a daily to-do list, evaluating deadlines, and tackling urgent duties first.

5. How is your life affected by repetitive duties?

Answer: (Mention your ability to find purpose in your work, focus on achieving goals, and maintain a positive attitude.)

I stay motivated by focusing on the end goal, finding purpose in my work, and maintaining a positive attitude.

6. How do you handle confidential data?

Answer: Emphasize your admiration for confidentiality and highlight your adherence to the organization’s policies and tactics.

I treat private information of my employer company with the utmost care. I follow the instructions and strategies of the employer.

7. How will you handle a situation when you do not know the solution to the client’s question?

Answer: (Explain why you would apologize that you do not understand the answer now, assure the customer that you will find out, and seek help from a colleague or manager if necessary. )

I would apologize for not being able to provide the solution to the customer’s problem. I will assure the customer to find out the answer as soon as possible and get back to him/her. If necessary, I will seek help from a colleague or manager.

8. How do you cope with stress and pressure?

Answer: (Describe your coping mechanisms, such as taking short breaks, practicing physical activities with deep breathing, or talking to a colleague for help.)

I deal with tension and stress by taking short breaks, practicing deep breathing, doing physical activities and talking to a colleague for guidance.

9. How do you handle a situation where a client is dissatisfied with your service?

Answer: (Describe your problem-solving technique, such as attentively addressing the customer’s concerns, apologizing, and offering a solution.)

I would pay attention to the client’s concerns, express regret for the inconvenience, and do my best to provide right solution to the problem.

10. Where do you see yourself in five years?

Answer: (Express your interest in developing within the organization, mention your decision to take on additional responsibilities and increase your skills.)

In 5 years, I see myself growing within your company, taking on additional responsibilities and developing my skills.

Interview questions for freshers in IT


(These are some more commonly asked interview questions for BPO aimed to test the aptitude and readiness for the job.)

11. Why do you want to work within a BPO company?

A: I am attracted to the BPO industry because it provides opportunities to reach out to people to help them,  develop my communication skills and be part of a dynamic and fast-changing environment. In addition, I get motivated by achieving customer satisfaction and the prospect of contributing to the company’s success.

12. How do you ensure the accuracy in your work?

A: I ensure accuracy by double-checking my work, paying close attention to the details, and using checklists to keep track of vital duties. I also make it a routine to evaluate notes from supervisors and peers to improve my performance.

13. Describe a time when you went an extra mile for helping your client?

A: In my previous position, a buyer was experiencing technical difficulties that were highly affecting their business operations. As our work hours got over, I stayed back to collaborate with our technical team and made sure that the problem was resolved quickly. The client appreciated the extra effort and even recognized it via an email to my employer. It strengthened my confidence a lot.

14. How do you handle multitasking?

A: I manage multitasking by prioritizing responsibilities based on urgency and importance, using devices like calendars and to-do lists to stay organized. However, not to mess up with anything in particular, I prefer concentrating on one task at a time while minimizing distractions. After that, I switch to the other tasks. Effective time management and staying calm under pressure are the key to successful multitasking.

15. What steps do you take to improve your verbal communication skills?

A: I regularly practice active listening. I also seek feedback from friends and my seniors, and attend training and workshops. I also read various books and articles on powerful verbal communication and practice new strategies in everyday discussion with my clients.

16. Can you work the night shift?

A: Yes, I am open to working night shifts. I understand that BPO operations often require flexibility in working hours. So, unless there is some other issue, I am ready to adjust my schedule to meet the needs of the organization.

17. How do you deal with a situation where you have to follow a strict script, but the customer wants you to deviate from it?

A: If the client prefers to deviate from the script, I will first listen to their concerns, and try to address their needs within the script’s suggestions. Then I will report the matter to my manager to seek permissions. If my company policies allow me, I will make sure that the client’s problem is satisfactorily resolved.

18. What motivates you to perform well?

Answer: Customer satisfaction is my ultimate motivation. Reaching individual and team goals, and receiving constructive feedback from my manager and clients keep me going. The opportunity for career growth and raise also pushes me to perform according to the best of my abilities.

19. How do you perform routine monotonous tasks without losing interest?

Answer: I keep myself interested on performing same daily tasks by assigning myself short goals for the day. I take short breaks to refresh my thoughts, and remind myself of the purpose of my work. Staying focused and finding ways to improve performance also help me to stay motivated.

20. How do you take care of remarks and complaints?

Answer: I view comments and complaints as opportunities for my growth. I pay attention to the details and continuously work hard to improve my shortcomings. I respect both positive and negative remarks because it helps me become better at my work.

In conclusion, preparing for interview questions for BPO job requires a mixture of research, training and confidence. By getting familiar with these interview questions and crafting thoughtful responses, you’ll be well prepared to impress your potential employer and land the job. Good luck!

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