30 Popular Gen Z Slangs with Meaning

Using Gen Z slangs can help us se­em cool and relatable. As technology keeps de­veloping, the world is ente­ring a new phase dominated by inte­rnet culture. Most of our social interactions are­ now influenced by meme­s, social media, and our desire to be­ unique, heard, and part of a group. This is why learning popular English slangs with meaning can be­ an easy way to connect with others and present yourself as a pro in this language.

Gen Z Slangs

Gen Z Slangs: Common FAQs

  • What Are Slangs?

Slang words are informal, non-standard words or phrases that are used in casual conversation. For example, “bae” (meaning significant other) and “fam” (meaning close friends or family) are popular slang terms used by Gen Z.
Example sentence: “I’m going out with my bae tonight.”

  • Why is it Important to Learn British Slang words?

Learning English slang phrases can help you understand and connect with different age groups and communities. It also adds flair to your language and makes you sound more natural in informal settings. For instance, knowing the slang term “extra” (meaning over the top or dramatic) can help you relate to younger generations.
Example sentence: “She’s so extra, always bringing a full makeup kit to the gym.”

  • When and Where did British Slang Words Originate?

Slangs have been around for centuries, evolving with each generation. It reflects the cultural influences and social changes of the time, giving insight into how people communicate and express themselves. For example, the slang term “cool” has been used to mean fashionable or trendy since the 1930s.
Example sentence: “That outfit is so cool, where did you get it?”

  • Do these Slangs Vary from Place to Place?

Regional variations in English slang refer to the differences in slang terms and expressions used in different English-speaking regions. For example, British English has its own slang words like “mate” for friend, while American English might use “buddy.” Similarly, Australian English has unique slang such as “barbie” for barbecue. These regional differences in slang reflect the diverse cultures and histories of English-speaking countries.

Example sentence: “He’s such a cheeky bloke!”

British slang words and phrases is a dynamic and fascinating aspect of language that continues to evolve with each generation. By learning popular Gen Z slang words, you can stay current and better understand the language of today’s youth.

10 Popular British English Slangs for Beginners

If you are a new to this language and wish to spice up your speaking skills, here are some commonly used British English slangs suitable for non-English beginners:

  1. Hiya – A casual way to say hello. Usage: “Hiya, how are you?”
  2. Cheers – Thanks or goodbye. Usage: “Cheers for helping me with that.”
  3. Ta – Thank you. Usage: “Ta for the ride, mate!”
  4. Loo – Bathroom or toilet. Usage: “Excuse me, where’s the loo?”
  5. Brolly – Umbrella. Usage: “Don’t forget your brolly, it’s raining outside.”
  6. Cuppa – Cup of tea. Usage: “Would you like a cuppa?”
  7. Chuffed – Pleased or happy. Usage: “I’m chuffed with my exam results.”
  8. Blimey – Expression of surprise or shock. Usage: “Blimey, that was unexpected!”
  9. Dodgy – Suspicious or risky. Usage: “I’m not sure about that seller, seems a bit dodgy.”
  10. Brilliant – Fantastic or excellent. Usage: “Your performance was brilliant!”

These slangs are commonly used in informal settings and can help beginners get a feel for casual British English.

10 Popular Gen Z Slang Words with Meaning

These slangs are commonly used in informal conversations, especially among younger generations, and can add a modern flair to your English vocabulary.

  1. Lit – Something that is amazing or exciting. Usage: “The party last night was lit!”
  2. Salty – Being bitter or upset about something. Usage: “Why are you so salty about losing the game?”
  3. Slay – To do something exceptionally well. Usage: “She slayed that performance on stage.”
  4. Ship – To support or endorse a romantic relationship. Usage: “I totally ship them, they would make a great couple.”
  5. Flex – To show off or boast about something. Usage: “He’s always flexing his new sneakers.”
  6. Savage – Acting in a fierce or brutal manner. Usage: “That comeback was savage!”
  7. Glow up – A significant transformation for the better, especially in terms of physical appearance. Usage: “She had a major glow up after high school.”
  8. Ghost – To suddenly disappear or stop communicating with someone. Usage: “He ghosted me after our third date.”
  9. Fam – A term used to refer to close friends or family. Usage: “I’m going out with the fam this weekend.”
  10. Woke – Being aware of social issues and injustices. Usage: “She’s so woke, always advocating for equality.”

10 Iconic English Slangs with Meaning from English Movies

English is a dynamic language, constantly evolving with the times. One of the most fascinating aspects of English is its slang, which often originates from movies. These catchy phrases and expressions not only add color to our conversations but also become ingrained in our everyday language, thanks to their use in iconic movie lines. Let’s dive into 10 popular Gen Z slangs from movies, exploring their origins and how they’ve become part of our cultural lexicon.

  1. Cool -excellent or fashionable. Movie: “Rebel Without a Cause”“You’re tearing me apart! What you did was not cool!”
  2. Bite the bullet – To endure a painful or difficult situation. Movie: “The Dirty Dozen”“Sometimes a soldier has to bite the bullet.”
  3. Catch-22 – A no-win situation or a dilemma with no solution. Movie: “Catch-22”“That’s some catch, that Catch-22.”
  4. Piece of cake – Something very easy to do. Movie: “Animal House”“Taking money from wealthy students is a piece of cake.”
  5. Hang in there – To persevere or continue despite difficulties. Movie: “The Adventures of Milo and Otis”“Hang in there, kitty!”
  6. On the ball – To be alert or competent. Movie: “The Odd Couple”“Felix is always on the ball when it comes to cleaning.”
  7. Hit the hay – To go to bed or go to sleep. Movie: “Gold Diggers of 1933”“I’m going to hit the hay. I’m exhausted.”
  8. Spill the beans – To reveal a secret or disclose information. Movie: “The Thin Man”“Now that you’ve spilled the beans, you better tell me everything.”
  9. Break the ice – To initiate a conversation or start a social interaction. Movie: “The Day the Earth Stood Still”“I thought I’d break the ice with a joke.”
  10. Jump on the bandwagon – To join a popular trend or activity. Movie: “The Wild One” “Everybody’s jumped on the bandwagon.”

How to Learn Gen Z Slangs Effectively

Learning English slangs with meaning and incorporating them into your daily conversations can be an exciting and enriching experience. Here are some enjoyable ways to pick up these informal expressions:

  1. Engage with English Media: Immerse yourself in English movies, TV shows, and music. Pay attention to the slang words used and how they’re used in context. This can help you understand their meanings and usage better.
  2. Read Books and Articles: Reading English books, blogs, and articles can expose you to a variety of slang words. It’s a fun way to learn new expressions and see how they’re used in different situations.
  3. Interact with Native Speakers: Conversing with native English speakers is one of the best ways to learn slang. It not only helps you understand how to use these words but also gives you the confidence to use them yourself.
  4. Use Language Learning Apps: There are several language learning apps that include lessons on slang. These apps can be a fun and interactive way to learn new words and phrases.
  5. Practice Regularly: Try using slang words in your conversations with friends or in writing. The more you practice, the more comfortable you’ll become with using them naturally.
  6. Stay Updated: Slang words can change quickly, so it’s important to stay updated with the latest trends. Follow social media accounts and websites that discuss modern slang to keep your vocabulary current.

Remember, the key to using slang effectively is to understand when and where it’s appropriate. The best way to use them is in informal settings with people who are familiar with the expressions.

Why to Learn English Slang Phrases

“Hang in there, kitty! 🙂 Here is a quick recap to understand why learning slangs are crucial for taking your English speaking skills to the next level:

  • Slangs are cool and informal words or phrases we use in casual talk.
  • Learning slang helps us connect with different people and sound more natural.
  • Slangs change over time and show how our language is always evolving.
  • Different places have their own slang words.
  • To learn slang, watch movies, talk to people, and use language apps.
  • Practice using slang in everyday conversations to get comfortable.
  • Stay updated with new slang to use it correctly.

Remember, using Gen Z slangs can be fun, but it’s important to use it in the right place and with the right people!

For more practice in daily use English phrases, check out the following links:





5 thoughts on “30 Popular Gen Z Slangs with Meaning”

  1. Pingback: 80+ Daily Use English Sentences with Hindi Meaning 2024

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  5. Nirad Kuchur

    Thanks for such valuable ideas. It was truly helpful. Please provide more such sentences that I can speak with my friends.

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