10 Commonly Used English Conversation Practice Topics

English conversation practice is crucial for beginners to gain confidence and fluency in the language. Engaging in regular English speaking practice offers numerous benefits, such as improving pronunciation, vocabulary, and grammar skills. In this article, we’ll explore ten fun and engaging English topics for beginners, categorized into different levels of complexity. All you need to do is practice these dialogues with your friends repeatedly.

English Conversation Practice

English Conversation Practice for Meeting Someone for the First Time

When you meet someone for the first time, you need conversation starters. However, there can be two scenarios here- formal or casual. I have given you English speaking practice for both these situations. First, let’s explore the formal style.

Formal Greetings:

  • You: “Hello, it’s nice to meet you.”
  • Friend: “Nice to meet you too. I’m Priya.”
  • You: “Great to meet you, Priya. So, what brings you here today?”
  • Priya: “I’m here for a job interview. How about you?”
  • You: “I’m here for a meeting with a client. Good luck with your interview!”
  • Priya: “Thank you! How’s your day been so far?”
  • You: “It’s been good, thank you. How about yours?”
  • Priya: “It’s been a bit hectic, but I’m excited about the interview.”
  • You: “I’m sure you’ll do great. What position are you interviewing for?”
  • Priya: “It’s for a marketing assistant role. I’m really excited about the opportunity.”
  • You: “That sounds like a great fit for you. Marketing can be really interesting and dynamic.”
  • Priya: “Absolutely! Do you work in marketing too?”
  • You: “Yes, I do. I work as a digital marketing manager. It’s a challenging but rewarding field.”
  • Priya: “That’s fascinating! I’ve always been interested in digital marketing. Maybe we can share some tips sometime.”
  • You: “Definitely! I’d be happy to share some insights with you. Let’s exchange contact information.”
  • Priya: “Sounds good. Here’s my card. It was really nice meeting you.”
  • You: “Likewise, Priya. Best of luck with your interview!”
  • Priya: “Thank you, and good luck with your meeting. Hope to talk to you soon.”

Feel free to change the underlined words as per your requirement.

Informal Greetings

In the informal style, I have picked up a situation where you are meeting someone again after a period of time. After your first meeting, you become comfortable with a person and can talk in a casual tone.

  • You: “Hey, what’s up?”
  • Friend: “Hey, not much. How about you?”
  • You: “Just hanging out. Want to grab a coffee?”
  • Friend: “Sure, that sounds good. Where should we meet?”
  • You: “How about that new café downtown?”
  • Friend: “Sounds perfect. What time works for you?”
  • You: “How about 2 p.m.?”
  • Friend: “That works for me. See you there!”
  • You: “See you soon!”

[Later, at the café]

  • You: “Hey, good to see you!”
  • Friend: “Good to see you too. I’m excited to try this place.”
  • You: “Me too. Have you decided what you want?”
  • Friend: “I think I’ll go with a latte. How about you?”
  • You: “I’ll have a cappuccino. Let’s grab a table.”
  • [After ordering and finding a table]
  • You: “So, how’s your week been so far?”
  • Friend: “It’s been busy, but good. How about you?”
  • You: “Same here. Work has been keeping me on my toes.”
  • Friend: “I hear you. It’s nice to take a break and catch up.”
  • You: “Definitely. So, any exciting plans for the weekend?”
  • Friend: “Not really. Probably just relaxing. How about you?”
  • You: “I might go for a hike if the weather’s nice.”
  • Friend: “That sounds lovely. We should do that together sometime.”
  • You: “Absolutely, I’d love that. Cheers to good coffee and great company!”
  • Friend: “Cheers!”


English Conversation Practice for Greeting a Colleague at Work

  • You: “Good morning, [Colleague’s Name]. How are you today?”
  • Colleague: “Good morning, I’m doing well. Thank you for asking. How about you?”
  • You: “I’m doing great, thanks. Did you have a good weekend?”
  • Colleague: “Yes, it was nice and relaxing. How about you? Do anything fun?”
  • You: “I had a good weekend too, thanks. I went hiking with some friends.”
  • Colleague: “That sounds fun. I haven’t been hiking in ages. Where did you go?”
  • You: “We went to a trail in the nearby national park. The views were amazing.”
  • Colleague: “That sounds lovely. I’ll have to check it out sometime. Anyway, have you had a chance to look at the report?”
  • You: “Yes, I did. I think everything looks good, but I noticed a couple of areas that might need some further review.”
  • Colleague: “Thanks for looking it over. I’ll take a look at those areas and make any necessary revisions.”
  • You: “Great, let me know if you need any help with it. I’m here to assist in any way I can.”
  • Colleague: “Will do. Thanks again for your help. Oh, before I forget, did you hear about the upcoming team meeting?”
  • You: “Yes, I did. I’ll make sure to mark my calendar. Looking forward to it.”
  • Colleague: “Me too. It should be an interesting discussion. Well, I better get back to work. Have a great day!”
  • You: “You too. Take care!”


English Speaking Practice for Greeting a Customer or Client

  • You: “Good afternoon, welcome to our store.”
  • Client: “Thank you. Good afternoon. How can I assist you today?”
  • You: “Is there anything specific you’re looking for?”
  • Client: “Yes, I’m looking for a new laptop. Do you have any recommendations?”
  • You: “Absolutely. We have a range of laptops to choose from. What will you primarily use the laptop for?”
  • Client: “I’ll mainly use it for work, so I need something with good performance and battery life.”
  • You: “In that case, I would recommend our business series laptops. They are designed for professionals like yourself and offer excellent performance and battery life.”
  • Client: “That sounds perfect. Can I see some models?”
  • You: “Of course. Let me show you our business series laptops. Here are a few options…”
  • [After showing the laptops]
  • You: “Do any of these laptops meet your requirements?”
  • Client: “Yes, I’m interested in this model. Can I get more information about the specifications and pricing?”
  • You: “Certainly. Let’s go over the specifications and pricing details together.”
  • [After discussing the details]
  • You: “Would you like to go ahead with this purchase?”
  • Client: “Yes, I’m ready to make the purchase. Can I pay with a credit card?”
  • You: “Yes, we accept credit cards. Let’s process your payment.”
  • [After completing the transaction]
  • You: “Thank you for choosing our store. Is there anything else I can assist you with?”
  • Client: “No, thank you. I’m happy with my purchase.”
  • You: “Great. If you have any questions or need assistance in the future, feel free to contact us. Have a wonderful day!”
  • Client: “You too. Thank you.”

In conclusion, English conversation practice with these engaging topics can significantly improve your language skills. Remember to keep the conversations natural and authentic, and don’t be afraid to make mistakes. With regular practice, you’ll become more confident and fluent in English.

For more practice of Daily English sentences, you can follow these links :

Daily Use English Sentences Part 1

Daily Use English Sentences Part 2


  1. How can I improve my skills with these English conversation practice topics?

    • Practice regularly with native speakers or language partners.
    • Listen to English podcasts, watch movies or TV shows in English, and read English books or articles.
    • Try to use English in your daily life, such as thinking in English or writing a diary in English.
  2. What should I do if I don’t understand a word during a conversation?

    • Ask the person to repeat or explain the word.
    • Look up the word in a dictionary or translation app.
    • Make a note of the word and learn its meaning and usage later.
  3. How often should I do English speaking practice with these topics?

    • Practice as often as you can, ideally daily or several times a week.
    • Set aside dedicated time for conversation practice to ensure regularity and improvement.
Check these articles for practicing daily English:

4 thoughts on “10 Commonly Used English Conversation Practice Topics”

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