Daily English Speaking Practice with 50 Smart Phrases

If you are to improve your English speaking skills, daily practice is key. Here are some common phrases and sentences that you can use for daily English speaking practice. Before this, I have shared with you another set of daily use English sentences that is a must read. Here I will give you two types of English – Basic and Advanced. If you’re a beginner, you can start with the basic version or even go advanced. It’s totally up to you!

Daily English Speaking Practice

Basic version for Daily English Speaking Practice

These are simple English sentences, very easy to pick and implement in your daily life.

It is + Current time (2:30, 4:30, 6:20 etc)

  • 2:30 बज चुके हैं। – It’s 2:30.
  • लगभग 2:30 बज चुके हैं। – It’s about 2:30.
  • 6 बजे हैं। – It’s 6 o’clock.
  • सुबह के 4 बजे हैं। – It’s 4 o’clock in the morning.
  • साढ़े 6 बजे हैं। – It is half-past six.
  • सवा छह बजे हैं। – It’s quarter past six.
  • छह बजकर पैंतालीस मिनट। – It’s quarter to seven.

It is time + to + Verb

  • यह सोने का समय है। – It’s time to sleep.
  • यह शुरू करने का समय है। – It’s time to begin.
  • उठने का समय आ गया है। – It’s time to get up.
  • यह घर जाने का समय है। – It’s time to go home.
  • अब अलविदा कहने का समय आ गया है। – It’s time to say goodbye.
  • आगे चलने का समय आ गया है। – It’s time to move on.
  • यह स्कूल जाने का समय है। – It’s time to go to school.
  • काम पर जाने का समय हो गया है। – It’s time to get to work.

Advanced Version to Improve Your English Speaking Skills

If you wish to add a little more style and sophistication to your English speaking, use these phrases instead.

  • It’s 2:30 – It is currently 2:30.
  • It’s about 2:30 – It’s approximately 2:30.
  • It’s 6 o’clock – The time is 6.
  • It’s 4 o’clock in the morning – It is 4 o’clock in the morning.
  • It is half-past six – The time is half-past six.
  • It’s quarter past six – The time is quarter past six.
  • It’s quarter to seven – The time is quarter to seven.
  • It’s time to sleep – It is time to go to bed.
  • It’s time to begin – The time has come to start.
  • It’s time to get up – It’s time to wake up.
  • It’s time to go home – The time has come to leave and go back home.
  • It’s time to say goodbye – It’s time to bid farewell.
  • It’s time to move on – The time has come to progress forward.
  • It’s time to go to school – It is time to attend school.
  • It’s time to get to work – The time has come to start working.

Daily English Speaking Practice with Indefinite Subjects – ‘It’ and ‘There’

It is + Name of day/month/year

  • कल रविवार है – It is Sunday tomorrow.
  • यह अगले महीने जून है – It is June next month.
  • आज सोमवार है – It’s Monday today.
  • अभी शाम नहीं हुई है – It’s not evening yet.

There is‘ with Indefinite articles ‘a/an’

  • मेरी कक्षा में एक व्हाइटबोर्ड है। – There is a whiteboard in my classroom.
  • उसकी मेज पर एक फोन बुक है। – There is a phone book on her desk.
  • मेरे बिस्तर पर एक रजाई है। – There is a quilt on my bed.
  • बॉक्स में एक नया कीबोर्ड है। – There is a new keyboard in the box.
  • मैदान में एक हाथी है। – There is an elephant in the field.
  • वहाँ फ्रिज में एक अंडा है। – There is an egg in the refrigerator.

Daily Use English Sentences with Hindi Meaning

Subject + have/has to + Verb

  • मुझे जाना है – I have to go.
  • मुझे जाना पड़ेगा – I will have to go.
  • मुझे एक पर्स खरीदना है – I have to buy a purse.
  • मुझे स्कूल जाना है – I have to go to school.
  • मुझे स्कूल बदलना है – I have to switch schools.
  • मुझे जीतना है – I have to win.
  • मुझे जीतना पड़ेगा – I will have to win.
  • मुझे सोना है – I have to sleep.
  • मुझे अपना कपड़ा बदलना है – I have to change my clothes.
  • मुझे अपना कपड़ा बदलना पड़ेगा – I will have to change my clothes.
  • मुझे उससे बात करना है – I have to talk to him.
  • मुझे उससे बात करना पड़ेगा – I have to talk to him.
  • मुझे आराम करना है – I have to rest.
  • मुझे अपना वजन कम करना है – I have to lose my weight.

Subject + want/wants to + Verb

  • मैं सोना चाहता हूं – I want to sleep.
  • वह नई चीजें सीखना चाहता है – He wants to learn new things.
  • वह एक नया पर्स खरीदना चाहती है – She wants to buy a new purse.
  • मैं क्षमा मांगना चाहता हूं – I want to apologize.
  • मैं हिस्सा लेना चाहता हूं – I want to participate.
  • वह तुमसे शादी करना चाहती है – She wants to marry you.
  • वे एक फिल्म देखना चाहते हैं – They want to watch a movie.
  • मैं उसे भूलना चाहता हूं – I want to forget her.
  • वह वापस जाना चाहती है – She wants to go back.
  • मैं तुम्हारे साथ जाना चाहता हूं – I want to go with you.
  • मैं उसका नाम जानना चाहता हूं – I want to know his name.
  • मैं तुम्हें कुछ दिखाना चाहता हूं – I want to show you something.
  • मैं उससे अपने साथ ले जाना चाहता हूं – I want to take him with me.
  • मैं नकदी में भुगतान करना चाहता हूं – I want to pay in cash.

I feel like + V1+ing

  • मुझे हर समय खाने का मन कर रहा है – I feel like eating all the time.
  • मुझे सेब खाने का मन कर रहा है – I feel like eating an apple.
  • मुझे फिल्म देखने का मन कर रहा है – I feel like watching a movie.
  • मुझे उल्टी जैसा महसूस हो रहा है – I feel like vomiting.
  • मेरे शरीर में कंपकंपी सी महसूस हो रही है – I feel like shivering in my body.
  • मुझे चक्कर जैसा महसूस हो रहा है – I feel like dizziness.
  • मेरे कान में पानी जैसा महसूस हो रहा है – I feel like water in my ear.
  • मुझे मेरे गले में कुछ फंस हुआ जैसा महसूस हो रहा है – I feel like something stuck in my throat.

Click here for Daily Use English Sentences with Hindi Meaning Part I

Incorporating these phrases and sentences into your daily English speaking practice can greatly improve your English speaking skills. Remember, consistency is key in improving any language skill, so make sure to practice daily. By incorporating these phrases and sentences into your daily conversations, you can see significant improvements in your English speaking abilities.

Click here for more English practice:

2 thoughts on “Daily English Speaking Practice with 50 Smart Phrases”

  1. Pingback: 80+ Daily Use English Sentences with Hindi Meaning 2024

  2. Pingback: 20+ Common Interview Questions for Freshers in IT in 2024 - English Fear

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