80+ Daily Use English Sentences with Hindi Meaning

How to Speak English Fluently

 Good morning to you all!

These daily use English sentences with Hindi meaning are a treat for all those who are absolute beginners. We all want to be fluent in English and there is a reason to that. English is so much stuffed in our system that we can’t manage without it. These English sentences for kids and all newbies are super easy and probably you already know about. But I insist you to start speeeeakinggggg…. because unless you speak, you can’t succeed as a fluent English speaker.
Good luck! Let’s start.


English Sentences for Kids and Beginners

  1. वह एक व्यापारी है। He is a businessman.
  2. तुम होशियार हो। You are smart.
  3. वहां कोई है। Somebody is there.
  4. हम थके हैं। We are tired.

Noun/Pronoun + am/is/are + Noun

  1. मैं लड़की हूं। – I am a girl.
  2. तुम खिलाड़ी हो। – You are a player.
  3. वह टीचर है। – She is a teacher.
  4. वह दुकानदार है। – He is a shopkeeper.
  5. वे जुड़वा हैं। – They are twins.

Hindi to English Sentences – Practice 1

  1. वह डॉक्टर है। – He is a doctor.
  2. रमेश इंजीनियर है। – Ramesh is an engineer.
  3. वे पर्यटक हैं। – They are tourists.
  4. तुम ड्राइवर हो। – You are a driver.
  5. तुम वकील हो। – You are a lawyer.

Hindi to English Sentences – Practice 2

  1. मेरी चाची अच्छी हैं। – My aunt is good.
  2. बादल सफेद हैं। – The clouds are white.
  3. वह बीमार है। – He is sick.
  4. खिड़कियां खुली हैं। – The windows are open.
  5. तुम बहुत होशियार हो। – You are very smart.
  6. वे आलसी हैं। – They are lazy.
  7. मैं लंबा हूं। – I am tall.
  8. पानी गर्म है। – The water is hot.

Hindi to English Sentences – Practice 3

  1. वह मेरी चचेरी बहन है। – She is my cousin sister.
  2. वह मेरा रूममेट है। – He is my roommate.
  3. यह दुखद समाचार है। – This is sad news.
  4. वह मेरी दोस्त है। – She is my friend.

Daily Routine English Phrases

Noun/Pronoun + am/is/are + Adjective + Noun

  1. वह मेरा दोस्त है – He is my friend.
  2. यह एक महंगी घड़ी है – This is an expensive watch.
  3. ये अच्छी कलमें हैं – These are nice pens.
  4. वे मेरी किताबें हैं – Those are my books.

Noun/Pronoun + am/is/are + Adjective

  1. मैं आज खुश हूं – I am happy today.
  2. तुम होशियार हो। – You are smart.
  3. वह व्यस्त है। – She is busy.
  4. यह सच है। – It is true.
  5. कोई भी चीज संभव है। – Anything is possible.
  6. हर कोई अच्छा है – Everyone is good.
  7. कोई चीज असंभव नहीं है – Nothing is impossible.
  8. सब कुछ ठीक है – Everything is fine.
  9. कोई कोई दोषहीन नहीं है – No one is perfect.
  10. दोनों प्यारे हैं – Both are cute.

More Spoken English Sentences Everyday

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Indefinite Pronoun + am/is/are + Adverb

  1. यहां कोई नहीं है – Nobody is here.
  2. वहां कोई है – Somebody is there.
  3. हर कोई यहां है – Everyone is here.
  4. वहां कुछ नहीं है – Nothing is there.

Noun/Pronoun + am/is/are + Preposition + Noun

  1. वह दरवाज़े पर है – He is at the door.
  2. मैं घर पर हूं – I am at home.
  3. हम दुकान पर हैं – We are at the shop.
  4. वे स्टेशन पर हैं – They are at the station.
  5. मैं चौराहे पर हूं – I am at the crossroads.
  6. वह छुट्टी पर है – He is on leave.
  7. मैं काम पर हूं – I am at work.

Noun/Pronoun + am/is/are + Present Participle

  1. यह उबाऊ है – It is boring.
  2. यह उत्तेजक है – It is exciting.
  3. यह भ्रामक है – It is confusing.
  4. यह प्रेरणादायक है – It is inspiring.
  5. यह भयानक है – It is terrifying.
  6. वह देखभाल करने वाली है – She is caring.
  7. वह है साहसी है – He is daring.

Noun/Pronoun + am/is/are + Past Participle

  1. हम थके हैं – We are tired.
  2. मैं उत्तेजित हूं – I am excited.
  3. आप भ्रमित हैं – You are confused.
  4. मैं आश्चर्यचकित हूं – I am surprised.
  5. वह संतुष्ट है – He is satisfied.

English Sentences for Kids and Beginners

It is + Adjective + to + Verb

  1. तैरना आसान है – It is easy to swim.
  2. चोरी करना बुरा है – It is bad to steal.
  3. यह समझना कठिन है – It is hard to understand.
  4. झूठ बोलना गलत है – It is wrong to tell lies.
  5. यहां तैरना खतरनाक है – It is dangerous to swim here.
  6. धूम्रपान छोड़ना मुश्किल है – It is difficult to give up smoking.
  7. उसे समझना मुश्किल है – It is difficult to understand.
  8. इस पानी को पीना सुरक्षित है – It is safe to drink this water.
  9. जापान में रहना महंगा है – It is expensive to live in Japan.
  10. गली में खेलना खतरनाक है – It is dangerous to play in the street.

It is + of no use + to +V1

  1. शिकायत करने का कोई फायदा नहीं है – It’s of no use to complain.
  2. वहाँ जाने का कोई फायदा नहीं है – It’s of no use to go there.
  3. उसके साथ बहस का कोई फायदा नहीं है – It’s of no use to argue with him.
  4. उनसे बात करने का कोई फायदा नहीं है – It’s  of no use to talk to them.
  5. इसके बारे में चिंता करने का कोई फायदा नहीं है – It’s of no use to worry about it.
  6. उसे मनाने के प्रयास का कोई फायदा नहीं है – It’s of no use trying to persuade her.

It is + worth + Verb-ing

  1. यह विचार करने योग्य है – It’s worth considering.
  2. यह कोशिश करने लायक है – It’s worth trying it.
  3. यह बात करने लायक है – It’s worth talking about.
  4. यह देखने लायक है – It’s worth watching.
  5. यह पढ़ने लायक है – It’s worth reading.
  6. यह सुनने लायक है – It’s worth listening.
  7. यह ध्यान देने योग्य है – It’s worth noting.

It is + Name of day/month/year

  1. कल रविवार है – It is Sunday tomorrow.
  2. यह अगले महीने जून है – It is June next month.
  3. आज सोमवार है – It’s Monday today.
  4. अभी शाम नहीं हुई है – It’s not evening yet. 

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Daily Use English Sentences with Hindi Meaning: How to practice

  • Speak each sentence 10 times aloud.
  • Use it in small conversation wherever you get chance.
  • Create situations on purpose to make use of these sentences.
  • Use everyday for one month consciously.

I hope this will help you in kickstarting your journey. Practice these spoken English sentences everyday for one month and you will notice the considerable difference in your speech flow. After its completion, I will take you to the next level of daily use English sentences with Hindi meaning.

Click here for Daily English Sentences Part II

Daily English Conversation Practice Topics

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