Conversation with Friends in English

Do you practice conversation with friends in English? If no, you must do. Conversing with your friends in a foreign language offers numerous benefits such as:

  • It boosts your confidence.
  • You get a free partner to practice English speaking.
  • Friends hardly judge each other.
  • You get to learn modern English (phrases and slangs).
  • You feel comfortable while speaking.
  • You get your hands on daily use phrases and vocabulary.

Conversation with Friends in English

Here I bring you an array of conversation starters and deep conversation sentences that can help you talk to your friends easily and confidently. You can pick up any topic to begin with and keep your conversation going with the help of these English phrases and sentences.

Greetings in Normal Conversation with Friends in English

Telephonic conversation

  • Hey, what’s up?
  • All good, How’re you?
  • I am great. What are you doing?
  • Nothing special, Just watching a movie. What about you?
  • I was getting bored. Let’s hang out.
  • Ok, should we meet at Rose Café?
  • That would be perfect.
  • Gotcha! I will reach there at sharp 5 .
  • Fine, I will be there.
  • Bye.

(You can mould these sentences accordingly and add the required details.)

Conversation in-person

  • **Friend 1:** Hi! How are you doing?
  • **Friend 2:** I’m good, thanks. How about you?
  • **Friend 1:** I’m great. Have you been here before?
  • **Friend 2:** No, it’s my first time. The menu looks interesting. What do you recommend?
  • **Friend 1:** The coffee here is really good. I usually go for the cappuccino.
  • **Friend 2:** Sounds good, I’ll try that.
  • **Friend 1:** How’s your day been so far?
  • **Friend 2:** It’s been busy, but good. How about you?
  • **Friend 1:** Same here, lots to do but nothing too stressful.
  • **Friend 2:** That’s good to hear.
  • **Friend 1:** So, how’s your family?
  • **Friend 2:** They’re all good, thanks. How about yours?
  • **Friend 1:** They’re doing well too.
  • **Friend 2:** That’s great.
  • **Friend 1:** So, have you been up to anything interesting lately?
  • **Friend 2:** Not really, just the usual. How about you?
  • **Friend 1:** Same here, nothing too exciting.
  • **Friend 2:** Well, it’s always nice to catch up.
  • **Friend 1:** Definitely. So, how’s everything else?
  • **Friend 2:** Everything’s good, thanks. How about you?
  • **Friend 1:** Everything’s good on my end too.
  • **Friend 2:** That’s good to hear.
  • **Friend 1:** Yeah. Well, it was nice catching up with you.
  • **Friend 2:** Yeah, it was great seeing you too. Let’s do this again soon.
  • **Friend 1:** Definitely. Take care.
  • **Friend 2:** You too. Bye!
  • **Friend 1:** Bye!

This conversation covers some basic greetings, asking about each other’s day, recommending something, asking about family and work, and general catching up.

Work/Study related Conversation with Friends in English

  • Friend 1: Hey, how’s your day going? Still buried in work?
  • Friend 2: Hey! Yeah, it’s been pretty hectic. I have this big project due next week and I’m trying to finish it up.
  • Friend 1: I feel you! I’ve been swamped too. What’s your project about?
  • Friend 2: It’s about analysing consumer behaviour trends in the market. It’s interesting but a lot of work.
  • Friend 1: That sounds fascinating! How’s the research going?
  • Friend 2: It’s going okay. I’ve found some great sources, but it’s taking longer than I expected to analyze all the data.
  • Friend 1: I know the feeling. Do you need any help with it?
  • Friend 2: Thanks, that’s really kind of you. I think I’ve got it covered for now, but I’ll definitely let you know if I need a second pair of eyes.
  • Friend 1: No problem! Hey, have you heard about the new study group forming for the upcoming exam?
  • Friend 2: Oh, really? That could be really helpful. Who’s organizing it?
  • Friend 1: Sania and a few others from our class. They’re meeting at the library tomorrow afternoon. You should join them.
  • Friend 2: That sounds like a great idea. I’ll definitely try to make it. Thanks for letting me know!
  • Friend 1: Of course! We all gotta stick together, right? Anyway, let me know if you need anything else. Good luck with your project!
  • Friend 2: Thanks, you too! See you around!
  • Friend 1: See ya!

(This conversation includes discussing a project, offering help, sharing information about a study group, and offering support and encouragement.)

Party/Fun Conversation

  • **Friend 1:** Hey, are you coming to Niyati’s party this weekend?
  • **Friend 2:** Yeah, I wouldn’t miss it! Do you know what the plan is?
  • **Friend 1:** I think she’s just having a cool DJ party near poolside with a lot of yummy snacks. Should be fun!
  • **Friend 2:** Sounds great! I’ll bring some drinks. Do you know who else is coming?
  • **Friend 1:** I think pretty much everyone from our group. It’ll be nice to catch up with everyone.
  • **Friend 2:** Definitely. It feels like we haven’t all hung out together in ages.
  • **Friend 1:** Yeah, Life gets so busy sometimes.
  • **Friend 2:** I’m looking forward to it. Hopefully, the weather holds up.
  • **Friend 1:** Yeah, fingers crossed. It’ll be so much fun to just relax and hang out.
  • **Friend 2:** Absolutely. I can’t wait to see everyone and just have a good time.
  • **Friend 1:** Me too. It’s gonna be a blast!
  • **Friend 2:** For sure. Well, I better start thinking about what to wear. See you there?
  • **Friend 1:** Definitely! Can’t wait!

(This conversation with friends in English is casual and revolves around discussing an upcoming party, the plans, and the excitement of catching up with friends.)

Emotional Talk with Friends

Sometimes we engage in emotional conversation with friends. But we find it difficult to continue in English as we don’t have enough vocabulary to express our thoughts and emotions. Here are two simple conversations to help you with that.

Conversation 1

  • **Friend 1:** Hey, I noticed you to be a bit down lately. Is everything okay?
  • **Friend 2:** Yeah, I’ve been feeling really overwhelmed with everything going on.
  • **Friend 1:** I understand. It can be tough sometimes. Do you want to talk about it?
  • **Friend 2:** I appreciate that. I guess I’ve just been feeling a lot of pressure at work and I’m not sure how to handle it.
  • **Friend 1:** I hear you. It’s okay to feel that way. Maybe we can brainstorm some ways to manage the stress together.
  • **Friend 2:** That would be great. I just feel like I need some support right now.
  • **Friend 1:** Of course. I’m here for you, and I’m sure our other friends would be too.
  • **Friend 2:** Thank you. It means a lot to me to have friends like you.
  • **Friend 1:** Anytime. Remember, it’s okay to not be okay sometimes. We’ll get through this together.
  • **Friend 2:** I really needed to hear that. Thank you for being so understanding.
  • **Friend 1:** Always. We’re in this together.

Conversation 2

  • **Friend 1:** Hi there! How are you feeling today?
  • **Friend 2:** Hi. I’m feeling a bit anxious, to be honest. I have a big presentation at work tomorrow.
  • **Friend 1:** I understand. Presentations can be nerve-wracking. Is there anything I can do to help?
  • **Friend 2:** Just talking about it helps. I always get so nervous before these things.
  • **Friend 1:** I totally get that. Maybe try taking deep breaths and visualizing a positive outcome.
  • **Friend 2:** That’s a good idea. I’ll give it a try. Thanks for listening.
  • **Friend 1:** No problem. Remember, you’ve prepared well, and you’ll do great!
  • **Friend 2:** Thanks, I needed to hear that. It’s nice to have friends who understand.
  • **Friend 1:** Anytime. I’m here to support you.

For more such helpful lessons, click here:

I hope the aforementioned ideas will help you in conversation with friends. Remember, you just need to speak in English as much as you can to be fluent in this language. The more you practice, the more comfortable you are going to be in this language. And who is the better person to practice your English speaking with? So, catch a friend and start talking!

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